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[Blog] 2023 Annual Medical Examination

Even if a patient isn’t experiencing current, active health issues, the physical exam gives us an opportunity to determine what might happen in the future, so we can prepare for it and address it later.

Medical Examination

Due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar diets, diseases and chronic conditions typically seen in the elderly are increasingly affecting younger people.
In this context, regular medical check-ups have become a crucial tool. They not only help us understand our physical condition in depth but also reveal potential health issues, guiding us to adjust our lifestyle for better health. Early detection and treatment before problems worsen are key benefits of these check-ups.
This approach allows us to effectively address health challenges brought on by modern lifestyles, maintaining a good state of physical and mental health.

Choosing Medical Examination Packages

Firstly, we need to decide on the type of medical examination package to choose. The price range for different packages varies widely, from a few hundred yuan for basic entry-level check-ups to more than ten thousand yuan for comprehensive, high-end packages. Beyond cost considerations, we should also choose based on personal factors such as age, gender, medical history, and family health history.

Nanjing Zhongda Hospital, Building 2, Physical Examination Center
Initially, I booked the Nanjing Zhongda Hospital Physical Examination Package No. 2 (Male). However, I later found out that pre-booking wasn’t necessary as the hospital had ample appointment slots available for on-site booking. During the on-site booking process, the doctor asked about my information and medical history to tailor the examination package to my needs. Based on the doctor’s recommendation and my health condition, I chose the Nanjing Zhongda Hospital Physical Examination Package No. 1 (Male), adding low-dose chest CT scan, neuron-specific enolase, and cytokeratin to the package.

Examination Process

Preparation for the examination should start three days in advance:

  1. Maintain a normal diet for three days before the examination, avoiding alcohol and high-fat, high-protein foods.
  2. Do not eat after 8 PM the day before the examination to ensure fasting for 10-12 hours before blood tests.
  3. Avoid eating and drinking on the morning of the examination.

Nanjing Zhongda Hospital

Upon arrival at the Nanjing Zhongda Hospital Physical Examination Center, the first step is to discuss with the doctor to finalize the examination items and complete the payment process.
Then, fasting blood tests are conducted, followed by urine collection. Drinking plenty of water before ultrasound examinations is necessary to ensure a full bladder. Unfortunately, I didn’t hydrate sufficiently, leading to an inadequately filled bladder during the ultrasound.
After each examination, the doctors note the next department to visit on the examination sheet, making it easy to follow the process. The entire testing procedure took about two hours.

After completing the examination, a complimentary breakfast is provided.

Post-examination meal

Examination Report

Although the hospital mentioned it might take a few days for the report, my examination report was ready in just one day. I could query and download it via the WeChat public account.

Low-Dose Chest CT Scan

The results of the low-dose chest CT scan have a separate report and chest modeling, which can be viewed on the relevant page.
The chest walls on both sides are symmetric, the mediastinum and trachea are centered, and no abnormal density shadows are observed in the lungs. The lobes, segmental bronchi on both sides, lung hilum, and mediastinal structures appear normal. Slight thickening of both pleura, no abnormalities in the thoracic bones.
No significant abnormalities were found in the low-dose chest CT scan.

Low-Dose Chest CT Scan

Issues Identified


Body Mass Index: 24.34 Overweight
Suggested balanced diet, moderate exercise, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, maintaining psychological balance, regular lifestyle, and periodic monitoring of BMI and body fat percentage. Seek medical advice if necessary.

Risk of Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia

Item Name Test Result Reference Range Unit Note
Cholesterol 5.43 0.00–6.20 mmol/L
LDL Cholesterol 3.32 0.00–3.40 mmol/L
Systolic Pressure 136mmHg 120 mmHg Slightly Elevated
Diastolic Pressure 79mmHg 80 mmHg

Monitoring and Lifestyle Adjustment: Regular monitoring of blood pressure is advised, especially if there is a family history of hypertension or other risk factors. Lifestyle modifications, such as regular moderate-intensity exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing salt intake, increasing fruits and vegetables, limiting alcohol consumption, and stress reduction, can help control blood pressure.
Medical Consultation: If concerned about blood pressure levels or risk factors, consult a doctor. They may provide further tests and personalized professional advice.
Diet Adjustment: Considering the levels of cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), consider a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Focus on foods rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and omega-3 fatty acids.
Regular Check-ups: Continue regular monitoring of blood lipid levels and blood pressure to detect any adverse changes and take appropriate measures.

Elevated Uric Acid

Item Name Test Result Reference Range Unit Note
Uric Acid 497 202.3–416.5 μmol/L

Mild increases in uric acid are often due to a high-purine diet, such as animal organs, meat, seafood, and fish. Significant increases can lead to gout, gouty arthritis, and gouty nephropathy. Occasional mild elevation in uric acid may not be clinically significant and can be rechecked. Persistent or significant elevation should be taken seriously, with an endocrinology consultation recommended.

Platelet Distribution Width

Item Name Test Result Reference Range Unit Note
Platelet Distribution Width 11.1 12–16.5 FL

Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) is an indicator of platelet size variation, reflecting the uniformity in size of platelets. A lower PDW usually suggests that the platelets are more uniform in size.
A slightly low PDW is generally not considered a serious issue, especially if other platelet-related indices such as platelet count (PLT) are within normal ranges.
PDW levels may fluctuate due to various factors, including physiological factors and technical variations in laboratory tests.

Normal Sinus Rhythm

Item Name Test Result Reference Range Unit Note
ECG P wave: (-) QRS complex: (-) ST segment: (-) T wave: (-) Normal Sinus Rhythm

Normal sinus rhythm is generally considered a manifestation of a normal heart rate. On an electrocardiogram (ECG), it indicates that the heartbeat originates from the heart’s natural pacemaker, the sinus node, at a regular rhythm and rate. This is a sign of normal heart function in adults and healthy children.

Post-Examination Lifestyle Plan

  1. Weight Loss Goal:

    • Aim to reduce the Body Mass Index (BMI) to around 22 and maintain a body fat percentage of about 15%.
  2. Lifestyle Adjustments:

    • Balanced Diet: Increase intake of vegetables and whole grains, decrease high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sugar foods.
    • Increased Exercise: At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, plus two days of muscle-strengthening activities.
    • Limit Alcohol: Reduce alcohol intake and avoid drinking if possible.
    • Psychological Balance: Use meditation, yoga, or other relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
  3. Health Monitoring:

    • Regular monitoring of blood pressure, cholesterol, and uric acid levels.
  4. Dietary Adjustments:

    • Reduce the intake of high-purine foods, such as animal organs, certain seafood, and red meat.
    • Increase the consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as deep-sea fish, and fiber-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables.

By implementing these comprehensive measures, the plan aims to gradually improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Medical Examination - Chinese version







  1. 体检的前三天保持正常饮食,勿饮酒及食用高脂肪、高蛋白类食物。
  2. 体检前一天晚餐8点后不再进食,保证空腹10-12小时抽血检验。
  3. 体检的当日早晨禁食、水。












体重指数:24.34 超重
建议平衡膳食,适量运动,戒烟限酒,心理平衡,生活规律,定期监测体重指数及体脂率。必要 时在医生指导下进行治疗。


项目名称 检查结果 参考范围 单位 提示
胆固醇 5.43 0.00–6.20 mmol/L
低密度脂蛋白 3.32 0.00–3.40 mmol/L
收缩压 136mmHg 120 mmHg 正常高值
舒张压 79mmHg 80 mmHg



项目名称 检查结果 参考范围 单位 提示
血尿酸 497 202.3–416.5 μmol/L

轻度尿酸增高多因高嘌呤饮食所致,如动物内脏、肉类、海鲜、鱼类等;明显增高则可导致痛风 、痛风性关节炎、痛风性肾病等。偶尔一次检查发现尿酸轻度增高,不一定有临床意义,可以复 查,如持续或明显增高,应引起重视,内分泌科就诊。


项目名称 检查结果 参考范围 单位 提示
血小板分布宽度 11.1 12–16.5 FL

血小板分布宽度(PDW) 是血小板大小变异的一个指标,它反映了血小板的大小不一致性。PDW较低通常意味着血小板的大小比较一致。


项目名称 检查结果 参考范围 单位 提示
心电图 P波: (-) QRS波群: (-) ST段: (-) T波: (-) 窦性心律

窦性心律通常被视为正常心率的一种表现。在心电图(ECG)上,窦性心律意味着心跳是由心脏的自然起搏点,即窦房结(sinus node),以正常的节奏和速度发起的。这是成年人和健康儿童心脏正常功能的标志。


  1. 减重目标

    • 将体重指数(BMI)降至22左右,并控制体脂率在15%左右。
  2. 生活方式调整

    • 平衡饮食:增加蔬菜和全谷物的摄入,减少高热量、高脂肪和高糖的食物。
    • 增加运动:每周至少进行150分钟的中等强度有氧运动,加上每周两天的肌肉强化训练。
    • 限制酒精:减少酒精摄入,尽可能避免饮酒。
    • 心理平衡:通过冥想、瑜伽或其他放松技巧来减轻压力。
  3. 健康监测

    • 定期监测血压、胆固醇和血尿酸水平。
  4. 饮食调整

    • 减少高嘌呤食物的摄入,如动物内脏、某些海鲜和红肉。
    • 增加富含omega-3脂肪酸的食物,如深海鱼类,以及富含纤维的食物,如水果和蔬菜。


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